Clear Communication and Customer Education

At Glass, our ethos revolves around nurturing trust through radical transparency. We strive to educate our customers about the costs and challenges we face on our sustainability journey, from revealing the origin of our ingredients to openly providing a cost breakdown of sustainably sourced coffee. This honest communication serves as a testament to our commitment to transparency and helps educate our customers about the financial realities behind our sustainability efforts.

Furthermore, our dedication to transparency and sustainability extends far beyond coffee; it
permeates every ingredient we source. Whether it's the cocoa in our mochas or the sugar adorning our pastries, we select each ingredient with an unwavering dedication to ethical sourcing, traceability, and a profound respect for the individuals who contribute to its production.

In this light, we offer a comprehensive breakdown of the costs associated with traceable ingredients. Below, we compare the cost of a fully traceable brownie, where all ingredients are tracked back to their origins, versus an untraceable brownie. This behind-the-scenes look reveals the financial realities that underscore our commitment to transparency and traceability.

Many expenses don't fit tidily into spreadsheets – such as the hours invested in seeking out individual farmers or suppliers, especially when tracing certain elusive ingredients. There's also the process of tasting, which is particularly intricate when cupping and selecting coffee. Not to mention, the meticulous effort put into crafting a recipe from the ground up. Also, keep in mind that most coffee shops source their pastries from external bakeries. While this is certainly convenient, it can hinder the shop's deeper understanding of the implications of its buying choices and partnerships. For this reason, we've decided to develop and bake all pastries in house.

By sharing insights into our journey, our choices, and our challenges, we're not only cultivating a space of education and awareness but also unveiling the true cost of sustainability: a narrative of traceability, transparency, and financial realities.

At Glass, sustainability isn't just a trend; it's a commitment. We're not just here to sell products; we aim to tell stories – stories of ethically sourced ingredients, hardworking farmers, and our fight for a better world. It's this commitment to sustainability and the inherent costs it incurs that justify the premium prices of our products. 

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